Eylenbosch has come to life again in 2019, after almost 30 years of hibernation. Brewery Eylenbosch, which was established in 1886 in Schepdaal by Emile Eylenbosch, grew in the course of the last century to become one of the main producers of lambic and gueuze, reaching its absolute peak at the 1958 World Expo. Then lambic beers increasingly lost popularity in favor of industrial lager. Eylenbosch closed its doors and ceased production in the early 1990s.
A new start for Eylenbosch
Fortunately, this was not to be the end of the story for this historically important brewery. In 2018, Erik De Keersmaeker, after having faced a number of other challenges, decided to refocus his energy on the family tradition and passion for beer. Belonging to the fourth generation of the brewers’ dynasty De Keersmaker of Kobbegem, Erik resuscitates Eylenbosch and its iconic beers. Collaborating in this endeavour with a young brewer, Klaas Vanderpoorten, and his university friend Jeroen Lettens. Our lambic ages on foeders and barrels at the farmstead Hof Van Piemont in Zellik since 2019. The new Brewery Eylenbosch is strongly committed to tradition and authenticity and brew its lambic beer according to traditional methods and recipes.
Our crowdfunders - be part of the story
In 2019 we launched a crowdfunding campaign to put Brouwerij Eylenbosch back on the (beer)map. In 2021 we ended that crowdfunding campagin with a phenomenal amount of more than 100.000 euro and with more than 300 crowdfunders. A big Thank You to all Sympatisant Sympas, Supporter Jovials, Giene Ziever Mennekes, Partners and Founders! Because of your massive support, the start was a huge success. Eylenbosch is back! Our ‘Patience for Eylenbosch’ beers, which we brewed while waiting, have meanwhile become steady values. The crowdfunders were the first to taste our Oude Gueuze and Kriek Eylenbosch, and the next lambic brews are now maturing in the oak wooden barrels that we were able to buy thanks to you. You are forever part of this beautiful story of Eylenbosch!
A new start for the Eylenbosch buildings
The unique buildings have been restored to all their former glory by giving them a new function. The Eylenbosch site accommodates 55 stunning flats, various retail spaces and offices, a CRU fresh market and an open esplanade. All with great respect for the historical context, making Eylenbosch a monument in Schepdaal again, more than ever. Moreover, the renovation of the old brewery buildings is the ideal occasion to also return partially to our own buildings in Schepdaal. In the cellars we will store our oak casks and barrels, where our lambic can mature.